Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thing 23 WOW!

1st...I love that I could do this at my own pace, alone, w/only tangents being my only distractions!

1. My favorite part was building the blog and making it the Practice page for what we learned. Additionally I can go back to it, and the classroom2.0 blog, to review 'how to do' something.
2. I accepted responsibility for my own learning.
Accepted "challenges." Right around Technocrati I couldn't absorb one more piece of information. it was so bad that i couldn't even read for pleasure that evening! I came back to it a few days later and put parameters around what I needed to know for now, which was familiarity. Once accomplished I moved on.
I played a lot in preparation for "real" use
I plan to teach a few of these tricks to my students tho Manchester does have the world's greatest tech teacher. I would like to do this to confirm my own learning...then Bob can REALLY teach them! :-)
I started my own blog/journal where I can keep track of places I've gone and fabulous food I've eaten.
3. The fun of putting stuff on a blog.
Flickr mash ups
Blogs: Librarythings and Lausd Librarian
Google Reader newfeeds...who needs news shows now? I can read everything they're reading!
Tho not on course curriculum, I began to utilize my igoogle account - docs, notebook, reader, and homepage - as more of a home base.
De.li.ci.ous - or however it is spelled - has begun to help me with my bookmark accessibility issue. Rollyo will enable me to set up specific topic related searches for student work.
4.I can't think of anything right now.
5. If the topic were something 'usable' for my classroom - or where I want my classroom to go - YES! I would participate in another discovery program like this one.
6. As I implement them into the classroom, the "things" discovered in Classroom 2.0 provide me with more engaging tools for my teaching toolbox.

whooeee! It has been GREAT

Thing 22

ebooks and books on CD

The Gutenberg project: I have explored this site in the past looking for Jane Austen and finding her.
As we read and discuss poetry through the year, I could use an ebook site to read the poetry and have it on view for students.
The British Library has a Mozart book that I think will be of use this year in our music/reading studies! whooeee
Additionally the Haggadah will be of use/interest during our Ancient Israel/Judaism Unit.
I listen to books on CD, occasionally downloading them to my ipod, when going on trips or during exercise. I once overheard a student at the Woodward Park Library trying to convince his father that he received Enrichment Reading points for listening to a book on CD. argh!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing 21

I am an extensive podcast listener! Incorporating it into the classroom, like incorporating youtube/unitedstreaming, requires class time (forget about prep! that's hours of fun...with many delightful tangents).

THIS is the year to make more time for both. itunesU and barnes and nobles' "meet the author" are two other sites that come to mind.

I have used Grammar Girl in the classroom and Jazz @ Lincoln Center.

Experimenting with creating podcasts sounds like a real adventure!!!

Finally, I will play with this site:
which will show me how to do a podcast
and with my newly installed QuickTimePro.

Thing 20

Responsibility hook or culmination

Thing 20

teaching respect: here's the hook or culmination (and a KS lesson plan tbd)
Respect, Aretha Franklin

1970 live performance:

A 1967 live performance:

The recording I love!

Y American Idol is WRONG